All I Want This Holiday Season is Health Care Reform

When you are sending out your holiday cards this season please remember to send one to your member of Congress.

Georgeanne Kohler has devoted herself to working tirelessly for health care reform. She has her own personal story to share: her brother lost his job and his health insurance, and, because of a serious heart condition, he lost his life. (Watch a short video of Georgeanne telling her brother's story.)

Her holiday message to Congress reads: “Dear President Obama, if on Dec. 15th, 2007 we had had healthcare reform with a public option, our family wouldn't have an empty chair at our Christmas dinner this year. Thank you for loving Americans so much.”

To share your own holiday message please click here. These wishes will be gathered and personally delivered to our member of Congress by Georgeanne before the holiday recess on Thursday, December 17th, so please share your story or message today.

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