Latest on FMAP

(h/t Capitol Ideas)

According to Senator Pileggi this morning, if Congress approves FMAP funding, Pennsylvania will likely receive about 75% of the amount it planned for in the 2010-2011 budget.  Since Pennsylvania budgeted $850 million this year in FMAP funding, the 25% decrease would amount to a $255 million shortfall.  Every dollar of funding for medical assistance in Pennsylvania leads to $2.77 in economic activity in the state, meaning that even a cut of one million dollars could lead to a loss of $2.77 million in activity.

The Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center has factsheets on the impact of FMAP for each Congressional District in Pennsylvania.  Before the Senate votes tonight, please take a moment to review the factsheets and to ask our Senators to take appropriate action on FMAP.  You can also email your Representative to ask him or her to do the same when the House returns in September. 

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