Ask Your Representative to Join the New Adult Literacy Caucus!

(From our friends at the National Coalition for Literacy)

A new caucus has been created in the House of Representatives.  The Adult Literacy Caucus, sponsored by Congressman Dan Maffei, is looking for members interested in adult literacy and education.

Congressional caucuses provide ways that Congresspeople can advance causes that are important to them. A House caucus is a group of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives who share something in common, whether personal (ex: the Congressional Hispanic Caucus), related to a district’s needs (ex: the Congressional Rural Caucus) or about House Members’ interests or concerns, like the new Adult Literacy Caucus.

Now that Congressman Maffei has formed the House Adult Literacy Caucus, please ask your House Member to participate.
  • You can locate your House Member’s contact information using ProLiteracy’s or TESOL’s interactive map.
  • Contact your U.S. Representative’s office. Ask to speak to the staff member in charge of adult education issues. Let the staff person know that there is a new Adult Literacy Caucus in the House, sponsored by Congressman Dan Maffei.
  • Ask the staff person if your Representative will join the Adult Literacy Caucus to help advance adult literacy issues in the U.S. and internationally. Find out if the staff person would like a copy of the Dear Colleague letter which contains information about joining the Adult Literacy Caucus.
  • Be sure to follow up in a couple of days to learn of your Representative’s decision.
Are you in Congressman Maffei’s Congressional district? If so, contact his office to thank him for sponsoring the House Adult Literacy Caucus.

Report Back: Will your Representative join the House Adult Literacy Caucus? Let NCL know by commenting in the Comment box or emailing Jackie Taylor, NCL Public Policy Committee Co-Chair .


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