
Showing posts from September, 2015

Celebrating Adult Education

As we celebrate Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, we'd like to revisit a post from earlier this year about our Adult Ed graduates . DCLC Graduates: Suwah Davies, Michael Ernst, Onnica Gaglio, Denise King, Youssuf Kromah, LawShawna Wiley PathWays PA Graduates: Sandra Cerminaro, Anthony Freeman (not pictured - Abiodun Olawiyi) On July 29, 2015, adult education students from the PathWays PA and the Delaware County Literacy Council (DCLC) celebrated earning their GEDs at a joint ceremony. The moving ceremony began with Laila Hill, an accomplished singer, sharing her rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner. Brenda Dawson, president and CEO of PathWays PA, gave the welcome and introduction. The GED test gives students of all ages the chance to move ahead with their educational attainment. In Delaware County,  6% of adults ages 25-64 do not have a high school education . Earning the GED is much more than a certificate. The difference in earnings for Pennsylvania...

Voting: It's Up To You

Weā€™re excited to once again be part of a national effort to strengthen our community today by helping people learn how they can register to vote! Voters in Pennsylvania now have a new way to register, thanks to a recent decision to provide voter registration online. You can sign up to vote here. But why register in 2015, you may ask? Well next yearā€™s Presidential election is obviously going to be one of the most important of our lifetime, but in advance of that, there are many primary elections as well as state and federal elections taking place. As a non-partisan coalition of organizations, National Voter Registration Day is the perfect opportunity to get involved no matter what party you support or which issues matter most to you. You can register to vote and learn more at and use #CelebrateNVRD on social media to spread the word! Interested in PathWays PA posts on similar topics? 9/10/15 - #RaiseTheCaps and Stop Sequestration 7/7...

Changes are Coming to the FAFSA

Beginning October 1, 2016, students applying for financial aid for higher education will be able to use a new, easier process being proposed today . Traditionally, students preparing for college or graduate school must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, to qualify for federal grants and loans. The FAFSA application window runs from January 1 to June 30 for the upcoming school year, so if you were going to school in September 2015, you sent in a FAFSA sometime before June 30, 2015. While the application has become easier in recent years, it still takes time and persistence. Even once the FAFSA is filed, students must sometimes wait until their taxes - and their parents taxes - are filed for the paperwork to be processed. By the time students receive their financial aid packages, they have already applied to colleges and may have even made a decision on where to go without knowing how much funding they will have. Under the new proposal being made by Pr...

Webinar: New Spanish Language Nutrition and Wellness Resources for Child Care/ Nuevos Recursos NutriciĆ³n y Bienestar para el Cuidado Infantil en EspaƱol

September 18, 2015 1:00-2:30 EDT Register here . Join USDA, FRAC and Robert Wood Johnson to learn how you can create healthier child care environments with the newly released Spanish language version of USDA's "Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children: Provider Handbook for the Child and Adult Care Food Program," and other Spanish language resources, including the Look and Cook Recipe Cards and the Two Bite Club. Find out how to: Build a healthy plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, Encourage physical activity and active play, Keep food safe and more! This is an opportunity to learn and ask questions. 18 de septiembre 2015 1:00-2:30 EDT RegĆ­strate ahora . AcompƔƱanos a aprender cĆ³mo puedes crear entornos de cuidado infantil mĆ”s saludables con la nueva versiĆ³n en espaƱol de ā€œConsejos de NutriciĆ³n y Bienestar para NiƱos PequeƱos: Manual Proveedor del Programa de Asistencia Alimenticia para NiƱos y Adultos" del Departamento...

New Research on Food Insecurity in Early Childhood

The  Food Research and Action Center (FRAC)  has released new research on the  Importance of Early Childhood Nutrition, WIC, and CACFP . Here are some of the highlights: Prenatal nutrition is critical to the development of children's bodies and minds Poor iron and folic acid status in pregnant mothers is linked to preterm birth and fetal growth issues Food insecurity in pregnant mothers puts children at increased risk of cleft palate, spina bifida, and other birth defects The first years of a child's life requires adequate food and nutrition to sustain the rapid growth and development required for school readiness and adult well-being. Household food insecurity is linked to physical health and developmental risk during early childhood. Participation in the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC) leads to better maternal and child outcomes. Mothers participating in WIC while pregnant were more likely to stay connected as their children got older and had "hig...

#RaiseTheCaps and Stop Sequestration

Sequestration is almost here.... again. If you remember, back in 2011, Congress passed a law to cut spending. Included in the law was a deadline that was supposed to bring members of Congress to the table to negotiate a bipartisan agreement - one that would cut another $1 trillion from the federal budget across the board. (If you don't remember, check out our posts here and here .) A temporary agreement kept those cuts from taking place, but that package (the "Murray-Ryan" deal) expires in fiscal year 2016 - aka October 1, 2015. If Congress doesnā€™t take action, disastrous budget cuts to our nationā€™s most critical programsā€”including early education, veteransā€™ care, law enforcement, womenā€™s health, and more-- will go back into effect, causing pain to millions of Americans across the country. Thatā€™s why more than 2,500 national, state and local organizations are calling on Congress to avoid the impending fiscal disaster and end sequestration. These organizations have...

Do You Need Help Achieving Your Financial Goals?

Ready to achieve a financial goal, but need help getting started? Have you created a plan and need some support to stay with it? Our Financial Coach will work with you one-on-one to help you achieve your financial goals. The Financial Coach will provide the information, resources, support, encouragement, and accountability so you can take control of your financial situation and meet your goals. If you or someone you know needs help achieving their financial goals and achieving self-sufficiency contact our Financial Coach Keith Miller at (610) 543-5022. Interested in PathWays PA posts on similar topics? 1/29/15 - Pennsylvania Extends Streak of Lackluster Performance for Financial Security of its Residents 11/10/14 - Join Us in Building Assets in Pennsylvania! 5/30/13 - The Payday Lenders Are Swarming. It's Time to Act.

Do You Need Access to Food? PathWays PA Can Help

Did you know that PathWays PA provides SNAP application assistance? Our SNAP Benefits Specialist can assist you in accessing SNAP and other workforce supports to help you make ends meet while you're between jobs and provide assistance to ensure you remain employed and are able to move toward self-sufficiency. To participate in an eligibility screening for SNAP benefits and other workforce supports contact Lauren Rodino at (610) 543-5022. Interested in PathWays PA posts on similar topics? 8/26/15 - Who really uses SNAP? 9/1/15 - PathWays PA's Basic Center Program Helps Homeless Teen Girls Go Back to School 7/7/15 -Summer Food News

PathWays PA's Basic Center Program Helps Homeless Teen Girls Go Back to School

Many students are starting back to school this week. While some are anticipating meeting their new teachers and reconnecting with their friends to share stories of their summer, there are thousands of homeless teen girls wondering where they where they are going to sleep tonight, and whether they will be able to attend school at all. PathWays PA's Basic Center Program provides emergency shelter services to help runaway and homeless teen girls between the ages of 13 and 17 years old with assistance stabilizing their lives, remaining engaged in school, and successfully returning home (when safe to do so) or transitioning to safe, permanent independent housing. For more information about the Basic Center Program please contact LaSheena at 215-397-4287. Interested in PathWays PA posts on similar topics? 8/25/15 - FAMILY Act 8/26/15 - Many Faces of Hunger 6/26/15 - New and Improved?: House Bill 222 Remains Cruel