Sign on to Ask Congress to Extend ARRA State Fiscal Relief

As long as the budget season was this year in Pennsylvania, and as painful as many of the budget cuts were, the results for Pennsylvanians could have been much worse. The 2009-2010 state budget contained $2.6 billion from the federal stimulus bill, which helped prevent drastic cuts in healthcare and education spending for the state.

While the state had access to federal stimulus dollars this year, the funding is due to run out in December 2010. Meanwhile, state revenues continue to fall, and the need for state services continues to rise along - along with the unemployment rate and the number of children relying on CHIP and Medicaid for health insurance.

PA Partnerships for Children and PCCY are coordinating a sign-on letter to the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation asking them to continue providing federal support during these difficult economic times. Please sign on by 12 PM on November 20, and pass it on to your colleagues at other organizations.


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