Share Your Caregiving Story with CARIE

From our friends at CARIE

Do you care for an older adult?
Has your loved one been in the hospital?

If you are or have been the caregiver of an older adult who was admitted to the hospital, CARIE would like to talk to you about your experience and what would have been helpful before and after the hospital discharge.

A caregiver is anyone who is responsible for the physical, emotional, or financial well being of an older adult.

This project will help CARIE understand caregiver needs; you will also receive a small stipend for your participation.

If you are interested and willing to share your story with us, please contact Marta Cuciurean-Zapan at 215.545.5728 or by email at

CARIE is a non-profit organization committed to improving the lives, well being, and autonomy of older adults. To learn more, please visit


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