Tentative Budget Deal on the Eve of the Budget Deadline

With the budget deadline tomorrow, legislators and the Governor have been meeting around the clock. There appears to be a tentative agreement on a $28.05 billion budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year.

It has been reported that the deal includes a $250 million increase in funding for basic education and a severance tax on natural gas extraction, to go into effect in January of 2011. While this agreement includes a 1 percent increase in spending from the current budget there has been indication that it also includes cuts of 3 percent to 10 percent for some programs and services. Additionally the plan relies on $850 million in extended FMAP funding that has yet to pass Congress.

While a tentative agreement may have been reached, it is still important to reach out to legislators to let them know what programs are crucial and cannot see anymore cuts. Please contact your legislators and urge them to continue to remember the needs of all families in this budget, especially around needs of the workforce and child welfare.


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