Help Support 2-1-1

Currently available in 80% of the country, 2-1-1 is an information and referral line that connects people to vital social services provided by a range of nonprofit and government agencies. This number saves time and frustration by eliminating the need for callers to navigate a maze of agencies and help-lines. When a person calls 2-1-1, specially-trained information and referral personnel analyze what services are needed and provide the appropriate resource and related information.

Today, 2-1-1 service is available to 80 percent of the U.S. population with 240 active 2-1-1 call centers in 46 states; however, because of the expanding reach and increasing visibility of 2-1-1, many 2-1-1 call centers lack the resources needed.

Please take a moment today to contact your Representative and Senators and ask for their support of the Calling for 2-1-1 Act (H.R. 211 in the House, S. 211 in the Senate). The Calling for 2-1-1 Act would provide funding necessary to meet these needs.


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