Hunger is Very Real in Philadelphia and the US
- A 21 year old who has suffered from diabetes since age 13
- A parent who doesn't set a place for herself at the dinner table so her children can eat
- A 2 year old with developmental disabilities due to a lack of food
In order to help hungry families and children, we need a strong Child Nutrition bill that will not cut other food-related work supports. Please take a moment to contact your legislators about the need to help hungry families throughout the country.
For more information about hunger in Philadelphia, you can visit The Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger and/or listen to yesterday's WHYY conversation on hunger in our community. If you or your family are among the many food insecure families in the area, please call PathWays PA at 610-543-5022 to get help applying for SNAP (food stamps). Remember, you may qualify for SNAP even if you work, and even if you only qualify for the minimum SNAP benefit, you can save $200 or more each year.
Think about the wholesome-looking egg in the photo. It has all the nutrients required for a healthy chick to grow. If only we could be sure our children will have the nutrients they need for optimal development of brains and bodies.