How Can You Predict A Child's Math and Reading Achievement?
The best predictor, according to the study, is the mother's reading level.
This outcome is no surprise to educators and participants of adult literacy classes, who have long seen the value in providing educational opportunities to adults. However, in Pennsylvania, that value is not always backed by funding. Over the past two years, the budget allocation for adult literacy has decreased by 50%. Meanwhile, GED classes are filling more quickly than ever. Even though the fiscal year just began in July, many counties have run out of space in their programs and begun waiting lists.
Eighty percent of jobs in today’s economy require some form of education beyond high school. Since more than 750,000 adults in Pennsylvania (age 18-64) lack a high school diploma or GED, the only means they have of attaining these jobs is through adult education classes. Please take a moment to contact your legislators today to explain the importance of these classes and the need for increased funding in the near future.
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