Roseann and Over 43,000 Other Pennsylvanians Cannot Afford to Lose adultBasic

Thank you to our friends at the Pennsylvania Health Access Network for putting this alert together.

Over 43,000 Pennsylvanians rely on a program known as adultBasic to cover their medical costs. These are individuals who are unable to receive or afford coverage elsewhere. Unfortunately for the 43,000 in the program and over 400,000 on the waiting list, adultBasic is running out of money and will likely expire in a few months.

Roseann, a mother of two who lives in Perkasie, Pennsylvania, is just one person on this program. Roseann suffers from a number of chronic conditions, including Crohn's disease, for which a single treatment is over $100,000. For the past six years she has relied on the low-cost insurance program, adultBasic. She makes too much for Medicaid and not enough to afford private insurance. When adultBasic expires, people like Roseann do not know how they are going to afford to live.

You can see Roseann tell her own story below. After watching the video please sign this petition which calls on state legislators and the non-profit Blues to come together and form a real solution.

People like Roseann can't afford to lose their health insurance. And Roseann's sons can't afford to lose her. Watch her story, forward it to your friends and make sure you sign the petition to Save adultBasic!


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