Join the National Skills Coalition for a Federal Policy Audio Update

From our friends at the National Skills Coalition.
There’s still time to register for National Skills Coalition’s upcoming Federal Policy Audio Update on Thursday, December 15 at 1:00pm EST.

A flurry of year-end congressional activity is likely to have significant impacts on our nation's workforce development system. Congress is expected to take up this week an omnibus spending bill for Fiscal Year 2012 that may include more than $2 billion in cuts to workforce development programs under the Department of Labor, and major restrictions on the ability of working students to receive federal Pell Grants. Congress will also take up a year-end “extenders” bill that may dramatically impact funding levels and participant eligibility—creating new education requirements—for unemployment insurance (UI), and creating new restrictions on the use of TANF funds. And if that weren’t enough, last week saw the introduction of House and Senate bills to eliminate dozens of federal job training programs, including state formula grants and national programs under the Workforce Investment Act.
We’ve got a lot to cover, so be sure to join National Skills Coalition's federal policy team this Thursday, December 15 at 1:00 pm EST for an up-to-the-minute overview of the challenges facing the workforce development field, and learn how you can stand up for continued investments in the skills of America’s workers and businesses.
Rachel Gragg, NSC Federal Policy Director
Kermit Kaleba, NSC Senior Policy Analyst

Register today!


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