A Job Should Lift You Out of Poverty, Not Trap You In It

From our friends at 9to5

Women who earn minimum wage are struggling to make ends meet. The current minimum wage at $7.25 an hour can’t support our families.

It's time to raise it to a wage that can.

Sign a petition today asking your elected officials to support hard working men and women by increasing the minimum wage!

What would raising the federal minimum wage do?
  • Rebuild our economy. For every $1 added to the minimum wage, low-wage worker households spend an additional $2,800 the following year. 
  • Ensure a better future for our children. 21.5 million children have a parent who would benefit from a minimum wage increase. 
  • Increase jobs. Increasing the minimum wage would boost consumer spending, which drives 70% of our economy. 
Sign a petition today because we deserve the opportunity to work hard and earn enough to support our families!

For more information on the benefits of increasing the minimum wage please check out the National Women's Law Center fact sheet.


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