What is Sequestration?

From our friends at CLASP

Sequestration was created in August 2011 as part of the Budget Control Act of 2011, which ended the showdown over raising the federal debt ceiling. Because Congress failed to come up with a deficit reduction plan, the Budget Control Act calls for $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts over the next decade.

Unless Congress acts to create a balanced package that includes budget savings and increased revenues, these cuts will hit families hard.
  • 1.6 million fewer adults, dislocated workers and at-risk youth will have access to job training or education and employment services; 
  • 80,000 fewer children will receive child care subsidies, making it harder for their parents to go to work; 
  • 96,000+ fewer children will be served in Head Start; and 
  • 1.8 million fewer disadvantaged students will receive education services through Title I. 
With so many millions of workers, families and children struggling, we can't let these indiscriminate cuts happen. CLASP has joined a coalition of more than 3,000 organizations across the country in fighting cuts to non-defense discretionary programs. CLASP invites you to learn more and get involved in this coalition and opportunities to fight for hard-working, low-income families who cannot afford these cuts.


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