Opportunity to Obtain Policy Analysis from the Harvard Kennedy School

Would you like a master's degree student at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) to analyze a key issue for your organization and to make recommendations for how to address that issue as well?

If so, HKS invites you to submit a proposal for a project for the Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE), the capstone project for students in the school's Master in Public Policy (MPP) program. The PAE is a public policy or management study completed for a client organization by our second-year MPP students under the guidance of Kennedy School faculty advisors. The PAE provides a unique opportunity for your organization to obtain significant policy analysis and recommendations on a problem or concern of yours. There is no cost to participate in the program, though clients are asked to cover students' incidental expenses when possible, including phone calls, photocopying and faxing, as well as travel costs, should the students need to visit your site for research and/or interviews. For more information on the program and to see examples of completed PAE’s, please visit the PAE website: http://www.hks.harvard.edu/pae.

If you are interested in participating as a client, please send a proposal at your earliest convenience to: pae@hks.harvard.edu. Please submit your proposal in plain text within an email or Word document and include the following information:
  • Your name, title, organization, and contact information, including mailing address, website, phone number, and email
  • Description of the goals and functions of your organization
  • A potential title for this project
  • A description of the issue you would like the student(s) to analyze. Two to three paragraphs would be a suitable length. If you wish to submit more than one project, please list them separately.
  • A brief explanation of how you expect to use the final product
  • Any additional comments
If you do not have a specific project in mind at this time but would be open to project ideas from our students, you can simply send a description of your organization and a statement of interest in working with HKS students.

HKS would also be happy to help you recruit Kennedy School students for either summer internships or full-time positions with your organization. Students often leverage a summer internship into a successful PAE client relationship. For more information, please see http://www.hks.harvard.edu/degrees/oca/employers.


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