Poverty and Insurance Data Training Webinar

The new poverty, income, and health insurance Census data will be released on September 12, with more state and local data available on September 20. Has poverty risen to its highest level since the 1960's? (Many economists say yes.) Which parts of the country and which population groups have experienced the most poverty? Has the number of people without health insurance risen?

The Coalition on Human Needs' annual training webinar can't tell you the answers before the data are released, but they can show you how the find national and state data quickly -- fast enough so you can make same-day comments to the press. And with enough context and background so you can apply the findings to policy choices now and in the coming months.

You'll learn what to expect and the policy implications, and how to find what you need on the Census website. Moderator Ellen Teller, Director of Government Affairs at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), will make sure we answer as many of your questions as possible. When so many big choices are confronting federal and state governments, from cuts to services to the survival of the health care law, you need to know how to use the new data! Registrants will be sent instructions for getting national, state, and local data, background about policy implications, and message tips. On the days the Census Bureau releases the data, you will receive state tables showing poverty rates and state health insurance figures.
So register now!


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