New State Decision Could Impact Your Child Care Subsidy

If you rely on the state subsidy to help pay for your child care and your child is frequently absent, then you may be in danger of losing your subsidy. In an effort to control costs, Pennsylvania has implemented a new protocol limiting the number of days a child can be out of care to a maximum of 25 days per year for any reason.

After your child exceeds 25 days absent, you will have to pay the full child care fee that your care center charges. Childcare centers are being required to collect payment from parents or notify parents of termination of childcare.

Childcare centers have reached out to the Department of Public Welfare, who administers the subsidy program, to reconsider or modify their policy. However, at this time, the policy is in effect.

If you have questions about these changes, please speak with your individual childcare provider.


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