Sequestration Effects at PathWays PA

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Dear Special Friends of PathWays PA,

As many of you already know, federal sequestration (across-the-board federal budget cuts) took effect on March 1. PathWays PA is already feeling the impact of these cuts, as federal funding for our programs supporting homeless and runaway girls has been held up in Washington, D.C.

PathWays PA remains committed to helping our runaway and homeless youth through programs like Transitional Living (TLP) and the Girls SHElter. However, these programs are at risk – and so are the girls and families who have transitioned from long-term homelessness to secure and stable homes through these programs.

  • Transitional Living Program (TLP) provides transitional living services to young women ages 16-21 years (and their children) who are not involved in the child welfare system.
  • Girls SHElter (Basic Center Program) provides housing and offers runaway prevention and intervention services for teen girls who have run away or are homeless.

We desperately need your help to keep these programs going through the month of March. Your support can keep a roof over the heads of these homeless youth, food on their tables and the proper supervision and staff to keep them safe.

___$100 can provide food for one homeless girl and baby for one week
___$500 can provide food for one month for a homeless youth and baby
___$1,000 can provide housing for one month for 1 homeless youth and 1 child
___$2,500 can provide food for 5 girls and 3 babies for one month
___$3,000 can provide housing, food, life skills training and education support for one month for one girl and child
___$15,000 can provide to continue housing and all services for one month for either program

Please consider giving whatever you can to keep these homeless youth and babies from being out on the street. Your kindness and generosity will give these girls hope.

Thank you for your continued support,

Carol Goertzel President/CEO
PathWays PA


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