Be Part of the Paid Sick Days Tweetchat on Wednesday at 2PM!

MomsRising and the AFL-CIO invite you to a special tweetchat to talk paid sick days!

The #WellnessWed chats are a great way to engage a grassroots audience, answer questions, and raise the profile of paid sick days campaigns at a particularly timely moment because as you all know: In the last three months, Portland, Oregon passed a paid sick days ordinance as did the Philadelphia City Council. New York City is close to becoming the largest city in the country to pass a paid sick days bill.

State legislatures, including Maryland, Massachusetts and Vermont, and more, are also taking up this important measure. The Healthy Families Act, which would set an important minimum national standard, has been re-introduced in Congress.

You are invited to be partners, advocates and champions, share resources, updates, lessons learned and more.

Please join MomsRising on Twitter at #WellnessWed on Wednesday, April 24 at 2 PM!


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