Register Now for These Upcoming Child Nutrition Program Events
Summer Meals Matter:
Conference Call - Participate in Summer Meals Awareness Week and Develop an Ongoing Communication Strategy about the Program
Monday, June 3rd at 1 p.m. EDT Register here... June 10 will be the start of the third annual Summer Food Service Program Awareness week. Discuss upcoming events and talk about ways you can become involved in celebrating and promoting the Summer Nutrition Programs. Share strategies for ongoing communications about the program to keep your community engaged and maintain high attendance at summer meal programs.
Conference Call - Troubleshooting Problems that Arise During the Summer
Tuesday, July 2 at 1 p.m. ET
Register here... After months of preparing, your Summer Food Service Program is now in full swing and unanticipated issues might be coming up in how your sites are operating and unexpected drops in participation at some of your sites. Join to hear from sponsors and advocates in the field on how to boost participation at summer food sites in the middle of the summer, work with vendors to resolve logistical issues that are effecting the meal service, and maintain momentum in the programming you are offering throughout the remainder of the summer.
Breakfast Matters
Breakfast Matters “How To” Webinar - The Finances of Operating Universal Breakfast in the ClassroomThursday, July 11, 3 - 4 p.m. ET
Register here... The third installment of the “How To” breakfast series will cover the financial nuts and bolts of moving breakfast out of the cafeteria into the classroom, and eliminating student fees. Strategies to increase participation while also improving efficiencies in program operations will be explored.
Afterschool Meals Matter
Conference Call – What to Expect When you Apply Wednesday, July 17 at 1:00 p.m. ET
Register here... Don’t be daunted by the application process to participate in the Afterschool Meal Program. The next Afterschool Meals Matter call will offer tips on how to get started and how to navigate the application process. Hear from state agencies, program sponsors, and program providers; and learn what information you or the program you support will need to apply.
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