#OurAmericanStory: Low-Income Families Share Their Stories to Bring National Attention to Poverty Issues

Half in Ten and the Coalition on Human Needs are thrilled to announce the next phase of our work to collect and deploy personal stories to shape the national debate around poverty issues!

As you may know, Half in Ten and the Coalition of Human Needs began collecting stories in 2011 from low-income families and service providers to illustrate the human cost of reckless budget cuts and highlight the need for proactive investment strategies to promote economic security and opportunity.

Now, these groups are announcing their new name "Our American Story: A Storyteller Network." This rebranding effort reflects their renewed focus on the community of advocates, low-income families and service providers who have shared their stories about the American Dream as a way of shaping public policy.

With attacks on vital programs like nutrition assistance set for this fall, and in advance of the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty in January 2014, Our American Story is looking to collect and share personal stories from low-income families. These stories demonstrate how such programs have helped people move out of poverty and make ends meet when they fall on hard times.


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