National Runaway Day is November 20th! Let Your Voice Be Heard!
NN4Y has been serving the youth of America for more than 30 years by championing the needs of runaway, homeless and other disconnected youth. They are organizing a day of outreach to educate all Senate and House members about the critical issues communities face when striving to serve runaway and homeless youth.
A comprehensive Resource Guide to participate in the following activities is here:
- Call-in: Call your Senate and House members at (202) 224-3121 to educate them about runaway and homeless youth issues in their community. Emphasize the value of Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) funding in communities.
- Letter writing: Write letters to your U.S. Senate and House representatives to educate them about runaway and homeless youth issues in their community. These letters will specifically highlight the federal grant programs that are making an impact in your local communities. Sharing a copy of these letters with us would greatly aid us in our advocacy. Download a draft letter here.
- Fact Sheets and pins will be distributed to every U.S. Congressional office in Washington, DC on November 20: Members, staff, and volunteers will go office-to-office handing out fact sheets and policy issues regarding runaway and homeless youth. A flyer we are circulating to get volunteers in Washington, DC to distribute materials can be found here.
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