Take Action Against Hunger

From our friends at the Coalition Against Hunger
This week, the House is likely to vote on a Farm Bill that would slash $8.6 billion from SNAP (food stamps), our country's most effective program in fighting hunger.
Please make your voice heard today, and urge your members of Congress to oppose cuts to SNAP.
If these cuts take effect, hundreds of thousands of households across the country would see cuts to their SNAP benefits--on top of cuts that already took place last November.
In Pennsylvania alone, 175,000 households would lose an average of $65 a month in food assistance. Many would lose much more. Seniors living on fixed income as low as $800 a month could see see their SNAP benefits reduced by more than $130 a month.
This is unthinkable. Speak out today on behalf of the many people in our community who struggle to put food on the table.
Contact your elected officials. Urge them oppose cuts to SNAP in the Farm Bill.


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