U.S Senate Voting Today to Extend Unemployment Benefits

From our Friends at National Women's Law Center

Today, the Senate will be voting on extending federal unemployment benefits. The bill may also come up in the House soon. Please Call Senators and urge them to restore federal emergency unemployment insurance.

Why should Congress restore these benefits? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Unemployment insurance kept more than 1.7 million people, including 655,000 women and 446,000 children, from falling into poverty in 2012.
  • Long-term unemployment remains near record-high levels; nearly 4.1 million jobless workers have been searching for a job for more than six months.
  • Unemployment rates for single mothers and other vulnerable groups are higher than they were when the recession began.
  • If Congress doesn't act to renew the federal unemployment insurance program this year, another 3.6 million people and their families will lose access to these benefits by the end of 2014 (in addition to the 1.3 million who have already seen their benefits cut off).
  • By keeping more dollars flowing through the economy, maintaining benefits in 2014 would support an estimated 200,000 to 310,000 jobs.

Please take a moment and call: 202-224-3121 to tell your Senators to extend emergency unemployment insurance benefits.


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