Call Your Senators NOW About HB 1796!

Senate Chamber, Pennsylvania State Capitol Building
It's the last day of planned voting in the PA Senate, and HB 1796, a common-sense bill designed to protect domestic violence survivors from being evicted from their homes, is about to be amended to include pro-gun legislation.

We probably don't need to tell you that a gun is the most common weapon used in domestic homicides.

This legislation is being added to a bill that has already been amended to include anti-paid sick days language, yet another provision that would harm domestic violence survivors as well as many families across Pennsylvania.

Please call your Senators NOW and ask them not to approve HB 1796 with these amendments! They are in session as we speak and need to hear from you RIGHT NOW.

What is HB 1796?

From our friends at The Women's Law Project:
Sponsored by Rep. Todd Stephens, HB1796, titled "Protection for Victims of Crime from Certain Municipal Ordinances" was drafted in response to a situation so outrageous that it gained national attention.
Thanks to a so-called "nuisance property ordinance" that enabled landlords in Norristown, Pa. to evict tenants for calling 911, a domestic violence victim named Lakisha Briggs was forced to choose between eviction and enduring physical abuse at the hands of an ex-partner, who would not leave the home she shared with her toddler.
After passing through the House, this good faith bill has since been sabotaged by one bewildering amendment after another.


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