Birth Certificate Clinic

For many homeless families, including those served by PathWays PA, critical items such as birth certificates may get lost in the initial crisis of losing a home or in the move from shelter to shelter. Families who must leave their homes due to domestic violence are particularly vulnerable to losing important identification in their quest to find safety.

Once a birth certificate is lost, obtaining a new one can be costly and time consuming. But without one, gaining access to public benefits, healthcare, or even a driver's license can be in jeopardy.

On Wednesday, March 18, the Homeless Advocacy Project will be holding a Birth Certificate Clinic at Project HOME for individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The clinic will take place from 9-11:00 am at 1515 Fairmount Avenue. Homeless individuals who attend this free clinic will meet with an advocate who will request birth certificates for them and their minor children free of charge.

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