Flu Season: The Case for Paid Sick Days

Two in three kids will get sick every year and require at least one day off from school. However, 52% of parents do not have access to paid sick time to care for their children. So what does that mean?

Before I Die- Be the Change (16040363455)That means that children go to school sick. This releases a slew of health issues. Other children, educators, and administrators are now in contact with highly infectious diseases. In addition, the child will probably not recover within the regular time frame. Studies show that healthy children are more focused and have fewer behavioral problems.

There are many terrible accounts from educators about children coming to school sick. “I work at an elementary school. I have seen many children come to school so sick they could hardly stand, some even with fevers. When we would offer to send them to the office, the children would often cry and beg not to be sent home because they had already been told by their mom or dad that they could not miss work because they could not afford it. Kids should never have to worry about their parents’ loss of income when they are sick, said Tina from Toledo, Ohio. (Source: Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools: The Case for a National Paid Sick Days Standard)

A parent without sick days is twice as likely to send their child to school sick, and is also five times more likely to take their child to an emergency room. It is easy to condemn a parent, but when 23% of job loss is related to taking time off, this epidemic is quite widespread.

 Therefore, the benefits of paid sick day’s legislation are bountiful. They not only increase productivity in the workplace, but also assist in maintaining a healthy family lifestyle. It’s not just economics, it’s common sense.

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