Mothers and their Newborns:Those who Need Sick Days

Nearly one in four American working mothers need to return to work within two weeks of giving birth. With that starting statistic in mind, let us take a look at what this means for most mothers. 

Mother wtih infant iconWomen who are forced to return to work before they are ready face a great deal of challenges. Many face depression and other mental issues. Physical challenges exist for these women as well. In one case, a mother was forced to pump breast milk in her car during her lunch break because her factory job did not have a lactation room.

New children also feel the pain from lack of maternity leave. Without being around their mothers, many children do not develop socially and emotionally as well as an infant who created a stronger bond with his/her mother.

So what is the solution? Paid family leave time. Currently, only 13 percent of working people in America have access to paid leave.

The benefits to paid family leave are astounding. A 20% drop in infant mortality rate and an increase in productivity in the workplace are just a few of the facts backing this. The United States is the only developed country that does not offer paid family leave, and that is a fact that needs to be altered.

Interested in PathWays Pa Policy blog posts on similar topics?
8/18/15 Paid Sick Days: Who Needs them and why.
7/28/15 New Numbers on Paid Sick Days
6/8/15 How Much Does It Cost NOT to Provide Paid Leave


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