Another Try at Overturning the ACA

Seal of the United States CongressCongress is once again looking at ways to change or overturn the ACA. The latest vehicle is the Cassidy-Graham Plan, which we first reported on in July as a proposed amendment to other repeal attempts.

Cassidy-Graham would make many of the changes that earlier ACA overhaul promised. Medicaid Expansion, which covers 11 million low-income adults, would end under the legislation. ACA subsidies for low-income people would also be eliminated.

In their place, states would receive block grants to cover people who use Medicaid Expansion and subsidies. The plan changes how much money each state would receive, which means states with higher needs may not get enough funding. The total amount of block grants given would be 17% lower than current spending. By 2026, block grants would end, leaving states to determine how to cover people without any funding to do so.

At the same time, Cassidy-Graham calls for a per capita cap on Medicaid spending, leaving states on the hook for any higher costs, including the cost of new breakthrough treatments.

Finally, Cassidy-Graham, like other proposed bills, would allow states to waive parts of the ACA protecting people with preexisting conditions. Some states may also be able to waive maternity coverage and substance abuse treatment.

And, just like the other plans, this one is being negotiated behind closed doors so it can be rushed through Congress.

FamiliesUSA has a short checklist comparing Cassidy-Graham and other ACA legislation. Please take a look at it, and then call your Senators today at (202) 224-3121.


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