You can still make a difference on tax reform

The House and Senate need to reconcile their two bills before voting on a final package. Some items, such as the repeal of the healthcare mandate and changes to business taxes, differ from one version of the bill to the other.
Until the final vote is taken, you can still weigh in with your legislators around the tax reform bill. Both the House and Senate version of the bill include tax cuts for wealthier Americans while providing minimal cuts to the people who need it most. Plus, Congressional leadership is already publicly saying that they will make changes to Medicare, Medicaid, and TANF in order to pay for tax reform, making it even more difficult for lower-income people.
Action Steps
- Call your legislator today at (202) 224-3121. Here's a sample script: "My name is ___, and I live in ___'s district. I am calling today to ask you to vote ___ on the tax reform bill."
- You can add this from CHN if you prefer: "I am willing to pay my fair share, but corporations and the wealthiest Americans should be willing as well. We must invest in the key services our nation needs, not starve them of funding."
- If you can't get through at the number above, please call district offices instead.
- PHAN has a sign on letter opposing the tax reform bill. Sign on here!
- Write a letter to Congress asking them to support working families in tax reform via Prosperity Now.
- Did you take action? Tell us about it here!
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