May 30 is Mom's Equal Pay Day!

On May 30, 2018, we "celebrate" the date when the earnings of all moms catch up to the earnings of all dads - from the previous year. That's right - it takes moms 17 months to earn the same amount that dads do in 12.

In the United States, mothers earn 71 cents of every dollar paid to fathers, even though 70% of US families have income from a working mother.  Over their lifetime, mothers with one child earn 28% less compared to childless women. That comes out to a median loss of $1,278 per month. 

Women and families are not jeopardized by the lack of income during a mother's working life - the lack of pay equity follows mothers into retirement, where they have less money in Social Security and less saved for retirement.

Join us today on Twitter to learn more and spread the word about Mom's Equal Pay Day!


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