Be a Voter Next Week!
General elections are on November 5, 2019. If you live in Pennsylvania and are eligible to vote, you needed to be registered by October 9. If you live in another state, please visit our site via Rock the Vote to find your state's information. If you are not sure if you are registered in PA, you can confirm your registration status in the Pennsylvania voter registration database . ( If you missed the deadline, register now for the primaries next year! Y ou can register through Pennsylvania's website , via our site powered by Rock the Vote , or by mailing in an application .) *** If you have any issues on Election Day, please call 1-866-OUR-VOTE. Issues may include (but are not limited to): being told the wrong date/time to vote; not being allowed to cast a provisional ballot ; being intimidated or challenged at the polls. Be sure to bring this number with you when you vote! *** Who Am I Voting For? On Novem...