Deadline Approaching! Oppose HUD’s Attempt to Gut Critical Civil Rights Tool

(From our friends at the National Partnership for Women and Families)

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently proposed a rule that would gut a long-standing civil rights protection called “disparate impact theory” under the Fair Housing Act that has offered recourse for countless people experiencing housing discrimination and segregation.

Disparate impact allows people to challenge housing policies or practices that have a discriminatory impact on them because of their race, color, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, or religion – even if the policy or practice appears on its face to apply to everyone equally.

HUD’s proposed rule would tip the scale in favor of those accused of housing discrimination. It would drastically increase the burden of proof for victims of discrimination, and provides new defenses that could shield housing providers, governments, and corporations from being held accountable for discriminatory policies.

We need you to help stop this radical and harmful proposal. The more comments are submitted, the longer this important civil rights tool will stay intact. Submit a comment today.


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