
Showing posts from September, 2012

Free Eye Exams in Chester: Sept. 24-29

VSP Vision Care and NBA star Tyreke Evans are offering free eye exams and glasses to low-income residents in Chester, PA from September 24-29, 2012. Sites will be as follows: Monday, September 24th, 2012 Stester Elementary School 8:00am-5:00pm Students Only Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 Chester Boys and Girls Club 11:00am-3:00pm Open to Public Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 Columbus Elementary and Chester High 8:00am-5:00pm Students Only Thursday, September, 27th, 2012 J. Lewis Crozer Library 8:00am-5:00pm Open to Public Friday, September 28th, 2012 Showalter Middle School 8:00am-12:00pm Students Only Saturday, September 29th, 2012 9th Street Youth and Community Center 9:00am-4:00pm Open to Public Qualifications to receive services on the mobile clinic: --Family income at or under 200% of poverty level --Is not enrolled in Medicaid or any other vision insurance --Is a U.S. citizen or documented immigrant with a Social Security ...

Register for FRAC's Federal Nutrition Program Conference Calls

The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) will host two public conference calls in October. Information on the calls follows below: Breakfast Matters - Effective Messaging: Getting Positive Press in your Community Thursday October 11, 3 – 4 pm ET Click here to register . Learn tips from a national communications firm about how to place your stories with local media and receive positive press coverage for your program. Presenters: * Jon Dickl, School Nutrition Director, Knox County Schools, Tennessee * Amber LaCroix, BRG Communications Afterschool Meals Matter - Community Partnerships Wednesday, October 17, at 1:00 pm EST Click here to register . Learn how you can connect with a myriad of community partners, from parent groups to corporate volunteer programs, who can offer you and your program their time, energy, and support. Community partners can assist you with meal preparation, programming, outreach to increase your participation, and ul...

DelCo Drug Take-Back Day

District Attorney John J. Whelan joined Delaware County Council to urge residents to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs during national Take-Back Day set for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, at 16 locations throughout the county. The Take-Back initiative is a nationwide campaign that aims to collect potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs and properly dispose of them. The program is free, anonymous and will take place 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 29 at 16 collection sites. According to officials, those who participate in this event will help reduce the supply of prescription drugs available to those who might otherwise try to steal, abuse or sell them. At the Take-Back event, collection sites will anonymously accept both prescription and over-the-counter products that are solid in nature (tablets or capsules) with no questions asked. However, any intravenous solutions, injectables, needles, or illegal substances such as marijuana or methampheta...

Urge an End to Life Without Parole Sentences for Juveniles

On Tuesday, September 25th, the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee is going to amend language on juvenile lifers into Senate Bill 850 ( ),a bill on cyberbullying. That amendment will leave life without parole as an option for kids convicted of first degree homicide, with an alternative sentence of 35-to-life for 15-17 year olds and 25-to-life for 14 and under. Life without parole should never be an option for kids with developing brains and the capacity for remorse and rehabilitation. The Pennsylvania Council of Churches is circulating a letter addressed to the PA general assembly urging a reconsideration of this practice. As the letter says, "the practice of condemning children to die in prison without any opportunity for a second chance ignores the potential that these young people have for genuine remorse and rehabilitation." You can sign the lett...

Americans in Struggle

Philadelphia Unemployment Project is about to begin the second year of the Americans in Struggle Film Series. This year they have another inspirational and diverse set of films to show. There is no charge for the films, but donations will be accepted. Americans in Struggle Film series presenting some of the great battles for justice and equality in American history Tuesdays 6 pm- 112 N. Broad St. 2ndFloor Refreshments from 5:30- Brief discussion following the film Bridge to Freedom 9/25-  The story of the bloody Selma, Alabama civil rights campaign to win the right to vote for African Americans, which horrified the nation and led to passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Wobblies 10/9- Documentary on the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) who worked to win one big union for all working people in the early part of the 20th century. The Wobblies fought for the 8 hour day and organized farm workers, miners, loggers, longshoremen, maritime w...

Housing Alliance Legislative Briefing

This month's Legislative Briefing will take place Wednesday, September 12th from 11:00 am-Noon. The call in number is 866-740-1260 code: 2811137. It's federal budget season - or is it? The fiscal year ends September 30, but the likelihood is that Congress will pass yet one more Continuing Resolution to continue funding past the elections and into 2013. That gives us more time to weigh in with our Senators and Representatives to convince them of the need for funding for affordable homes, community development, and ending homelessness. This month's call features Kate Seif, Policy Outreach Coordinator at the National Alliance to End Homelessness, who will discuss the budget environment in Washington and help us decipher the Budget Control Act, sequestration cuts, continuing resolutions, and The Path to Prosperity ("Ryan Budget"). To register CLICK HERE .

Kids Count Infographic Challenge

The KIDS COUNT Infographic Challenge is a crowdsourced competition for young people and adults to use KIDS COUNT data to illustrate the story of America's children. It's easy to enter: 1. Visit the KIDS COUNT Data Center and find national trends on topics like education, health and economic security, or data that offers insight into your state or community. 2. Turn the data into a compelling infographic or image. (For help or inspiration, check out  and Pinterest .) 3. Upload your infographic (or video) to the Challenge platform . Then share it with your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and ask them to vote for your entry. The winners, chosen by your networks, will receive a new laptop decked out with a graphics suite. The Challenge launches on September 5, 2012 and voting will begin on October 1. So don't wait. Enter today. The KIDS COUNT Infographic Challenge. Show off your creative sparks and win!

Ending Hunger Through Citizen Service

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 (9:30 am-4 pm) Every year, millions of Americans volunteer their time to feed those in need by holding food drives and serving holiday meals. What more can we do to fight hunger? "Ending Hunger Through Citizen Service" aims to answer that question. This innovative conference is free for volunteers, nonprofits, businesses, government agencies, schools, religious congregations and community groups that want to: Help low-income children enroll in vital food and nutrition programs Improve food access and conduct nutrition education that meets community needs Apply their professional skills to build the capacity of hunger organizations Serve on a nonprofit board Address the root causes of hunger through advocacy WHERE: Arch Street Friends Meeting House 320 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 SPEAKERS: Michael A. Nutter Mayor, Philadelphia Kevin Concannon USDA Under Secretary Food, Nutrit...

The Medical Loss Ratio

You may have heard by now, if insurance companies spend more than 80% of your premium dollars on things like advertising, CEO bonuses, or lobbying against reform it must refund you the difference! It's all part of the new health care law and it's called the Medical Loss Ratio .The name comes from the terminology that the insurance companies use to refer to the money spent on medical care rather than profit. However, insurance companies, after failing to repeal the entire act, are working towards dissembling it piece by piece. Those interested in taking action can sign a petition to protect the medical loss ratio. Via our friends at The Pennsylvania Health Access Network

"Back-to-School Blues"

It's back-to-school time and across the country, and parents are double checking their back-to-school supply list: Backpacks? Check. New crayons and pencils? Check. Notebooks? Check. Earned paid sick days? Not for nearly 40 million Americans. Wait, back up, earned sick days are a back-to-school essential? Absolutely! Let's face it: Kids share everything, especially germs, and especially in school. Moms and dads know this, and want to protect the health of all children. But when working parents are unable to earn paid sick days, they are faced with a difficult choice: Send their child to school sick or stay home with their child and risk losing a day's pay or possibly even their jobs. Tell your members of Congress "Welcome back from August Recess - Now, it's time to help us prepare for the new school year by passing the Healthy Families Act so that all working parents have access to earned paid sick days."

New Polling Data From FRAC

New polling data (pdf) released today by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) show overwhelming majorities opposing SNAP cuts. The majorities are as strong as other polls in 2010 and early 2012, despite several intervening months of criticism of the program and false charges by conservative Members of Congress, conservative media outlets, and others. In particular, when asked "[t]his year, Congress will consider cutting billions of dollars from the food stamp program in an effort to reduce federal spending. Do you favor cutting food assistance to low-income families and seniors, or do you think that is the wrong way to reduce government spending," 75 percent say it is the wrong way to reduce spending. That number was 77 percent in January 2012 and 71 percent in November 2010. This poll comes on the same day as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released new data showing more than 50.1 million Americans lived in households struggling against hunger in 2011. ...

Essential Health Benefits Sign-On Letter

As the deadline approaches for Pennsylvania to make a decision regarding its Essential Health Benefits (EHB), Maternity Care Coalition, the Pennsylvania Health Access Network, and the Pennsylvania Community Providers Association are leading a workgroup to ensure an open, accountable, and consumer-responsive EHB selection process. Last week, the EHB workgroup convened nearly 40 organizations for a strategy call to discuss the implementation of the EHB package in Pennsylvania. As an outcome of that meeting, the workgroup defined the principles found here. If your organization would like to endorse these EHB principles, please send an email to or of PHAN by Friday, September 7th to sign on.

Free Prostate Screenings for National Prostate Health Month

For National Prostate Health Month, Crozer-Keystone Health Systems will offer free prostate screenings in Delaware County. Crozer-Keystone Health Systems is offering free prostate screenings to men who are over 50 years old. Additionally, free screenings are available to men who are 40 years old if they are African American or have a family history of prostate cancer. To be eligibile for free screenings, participants cannot already see an urologist, have received a screening in the past year, or have a history of prostate cancer. On Saturday, September 22, Crozer-Keystone will host the Men's Wellness Program at the Lake, which will include glucose, cholesteral, and prostate exams, in addition to a "Risk Factors for Cancer in Men" seminar. The event is free and registration is open on the Crozer-Keystone website . Other screenings will be held: September 10 from 5 to 7 PM at Delaware County Memorial Hospital September 19 from 6 to 8 PM at Crozer-Chester Me...

Join Us To Celebrate Our 34th Anniversary

PathWays PA is celebrating 34 years of service to the Greater Philadelphia community. Join us as we celebrate our mission and our 2012 trailblazers. The event will take place on Friday, November 2nd, 2012, from 6:30 to 10:30 pm at the Union League of Philadelphia's Lincoln Hall, 140 South Broad St, Philadelphia. Enjoy a live auction and silent auction! All proceeds raised at the event will help over 6,000 low-income families in the Greater Philadelphia Region. For more information on sponsorship and ads, contact Fran Franchi at or 610-543-5022 x205. Tickets may be purchased online at .

National Disability Institute Free Webinar Series

Last year, National Disability Institute, with the support of Acorda Therapeutics, presented a free four-part Financial Wellness webinar series for individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This year, they've partnered with Acorda Therapeutics again to bring you another great Financial Wellness webinar series. National Disability Institute's Financial Wellness Series sponsored by Acorda Therapeutics is a FREE 6-part series that will address financial, tax and public benefits topics for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS), their families and care teams. The webinar series will include six free 90-minute programs online, each beginning at 3pm ET on select Wednesdays through December 2012. Visit to learn more about each webinar and to register today! September 5, 2012 - Being Money Smart September 26, 2012 - Prolonging Work - Supports To Keep You On The Job October 17, 2012 - Social Security Disability Insuran...

Tutoring Opportunities for Your School

The United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey is excited about the 2012-2013 school year and they want to partner with YOUR school! The United Way knows that a large predictor of students’ success in academia is their ability to read and interpret information. Research shows that one of the most important factors in whether or not children learn to read is having consistent opportunities to practice with a caring adult. That’s why they are looking for one-on-one tutoring opportunities in schools throughout the region. United Way may be able to support these opportunities by providing volunteers and other resources. The United Way recognizes that the budget cuts to our education infrastructure have been devastating to our schools so now, more than ever, they are stepping up to improve the lives and education of our communities—but they can’t do it without you! If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss what kinds of volunteer needs your school may have a...

Opportunity to Obtain Policy Analysis from the Harvard Kennedy School

Would you like a master's degree student at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) to analyze a key issue for your organization and to make recommendations for how to address that issue as well? If so, HKS invites you to submit a proposal for a project for the Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE), the capstone project for students in the school's Master in Public Policy (MPP) program. The PAE is a public policy or management study completed for a client organization by our second-year MPP students under the guidance of Kennedy School faculty advisors. The PAE provides a unique opportunity for your organization to obtain significant policy analysis and recommendations on a problem or concern of yours. There is no cost to participate in the program, though clients are asked to cover students' incidental expenses when possible, including phone calls, photocopying and faxing, as well as travel costs, should the students need to visit your site for research and/or interviews. For more ...

Advocacy Opportunity and Training from National Safe Place

The House Appropriations Subcommittee on HHS funding marked up its fiscal year (FY) 2013 funding legislation on Wednesday, July 18. While they released  some preliminary details  of the legislation, details on the FY 2013 funding level for the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act program have not yet been released. To support advocacy for Runaway and Homeless Youth Act 2012 appropriations, National Safe Place is hosting a free webinar: Advocacy in Action, on Thursday, September 6th, 2 pm Eastern, 1 pm Central, 12 noon Mountain and 11 am Pacific. Learn the ABC’s of advocacy--this webinar will cover the basics of advocating for your agency and the clients that you serve. The facilitator will be Matthew Hamilton-Kraft, Director of Youth Services, Chautauqua Opportunities, Inc., Jamestown, NY. REGISTER HERE From our friends at  National Safe Place

Poverty and Insurance Data Training Webinar

The new poverty, income, and health insurance Census data will be released on September 12, with more state and local data available on September 20. Has poverty risen to its highest level since the 1960's? (Many economists say yes.) Which parts of the country and which population groups have experienced the most poverty? Has the number of people without health insurance risen? The  Coalition on Human Needs ' annual training webinar can't tell you the answers before the data are released, but they can show you how the find national and state data quickly -- fast enough so you can make same-day comments to the press. And with enough context and background so you can apply the findings to policy choices now and in the coming months. You'll learn what to expect and the policy implications, and how to find what you need on the Census website. Moderator Ellen Teller, Director of Government Affairs at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), will make sure we answer...

Show It: Voters Required to Have Acceptable State ID for General Election in November

Voters will be required to show an acceptable photo ID on Election Day. All photo IDs must contain an expiration date that is current, unless noted otherwise. Voter's names on their photo IDs do not need to exactly match their voter registration, but the names must substantially conform. Acceptable IDs include: Photo IDs issued by the U.S. Federal Government or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (i ncluding the Department of State Voter ID Card ) PA Driver’s License or Non-driver’s License photo ID (IDs are valid for voting purposes 12 months past expiration date) Valid U.S. passport U.S. military ID - active duty and retired military (a military or veteran’s ID must designate an expiration date or designate that the expiration date is indefinite). Military dependents’ ID must contain an expiration date Employee photo ID  issued by Federal, PA, PA County or PA Municipal government Photo ID from an accredited PA public or private institution of higher learning , including ...

The State of Working PA 2012

Most middle-class Pennsylvania families have seen their wages and income stagnate since 2000 even though productivity in the economy has grown, according to the  Keystone Research Center’s  annual  State of Working Pennsylvania report. Growth in the size of the overall economic pie could have supported rising living standards for all Pennsylvania workers, Keystone’s researchers wrote, but an outsized share of the benefits went to the top 1 percent of earners, preventing broad-based prosperity and slowing down the economic recovery. Neither the “lost decade” for working families since 2000 nor a recent increase in unemployment and the shortage of jobs in Pennsylvania occurred by accident. They were the result of poor policy choices that have been unfriendly to working families, the report concludes. The State of Working Pennsylvania 2012 represents the Keystone Research Center’s deepest and most comprehensive recent look at the Pennsylvania economy and how it has perf...

Food Stamp Act Marks its 48th Anniversary

Forty-eight years ago, President Lyndon Johnson signed the  Food Stamp Act of 1964  into law, signaling the start of what we now know as food stamps. The law “[a]uthorized a food stamp program to permit low income households to receive ‘a greater share of the Nation's food abundance’.” Over the past 48 years, the program (which is now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP) has been a fundamental bulwark for the poorest and hungriest people in our nation. SNAP helps the most vulnerable. The average SNAP household has an income of only 57 percent of the federal poverty level; and 84 percent of all benefits go to households with a child, senior, or disabled person. 93 percent of benefits go to households with incomes below the poverty line. This includes millions of working poor families. SNAP lifts people out of poverty. SNAP lifted 3.9 million Americans above the poverty line in 2010, including 1.7 million children and 280,000 seniors. SNAP has – f...

J-Roll Speaks Out Against Dating Violence - Will You?

PathWays PA and  Women Against Abuse  are excited that famous role models and celebrities -- including Philadelphia's own Jimmy Rollins -- have joined President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden to denounce dating violence. Watch them speak out against dating violence in this new public service announcement! This clip is part of Vice President Biden's 1 is 2 Many campaign. Get involved and spread the word! Key Facts: People ages 18 and 19 experience the highest rates of stalking. Women ages 20-24 experience the highest rates of dating and domestic violence. 1 in 10 teens have been physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the past year. Get Involved: Advocate everyday. Send a message out on Facebook or Twitter to let your friends know that dating violence is common and difficult, and that there are resources out there to help.  Plug the Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline  (1-866-723-3014), which is an excellent first point of c...

Encourage Congress to Stand Up for Struggling Families

Members of Congress will face some big choices in the coming months. The upcoming round of negotiations will include decisions on: whether tax cuts for wealthy hosueholds will be allowed to expire; whether to halt across-the-board budget cuts scheduled to hit programs such as affordable housing and early childhood education in January; and whether to continue key expansions in the earned income and child tax credits that lifted 1.6 million people in working families out of poverty in 2011. The Coalition on Human Needs  composed a letter to Congress that details the consequences of congressional inaction . According to the letter, if Congress fails to stop across-the-board cuts: 750,000 fewer infants, toddlers, and moms will get critical nutrition assistance. More than 460,000 adults and youth will lose employment and training services, including 51,000 veterans. 734,000 households will lose access to home heating and cooling assistance. 1.8 million fewer low-income schoolch...